woensdag 22 september 2010


Graph on how to replace orange.

We used following ingredients: physalis, melon, gooseberry, coriander and juniper berry

Our recipe:
20 g of Physalis
10 g of melon
5 g of gooseberry
3 seeds of coriander
1 juniper berry

Put everything in a blender

And blend

1 opmerking:

  1. Good work and design!

    I added orange:+physalis+melon+gooseberry+coriander seed+juniper berry to http://www.cuuks.com/combine.php?composition_id=4485

    It amazes me that - if I understand you correctly - I should be able to replace orange flavor with banana, rosemary, black tea, thyme, juniper berry, caraway, cilantro and tarragon.
    I am very curious for sure and looking forward to hearing about your next discoveries.

    Best wishes, Jonas
